Every day is Earth Day at Hotel Santo Domingo

Last Saturday, April 22, we celebrated "Earth Day". At Hotel Santo Domingo we take care of the earth every day. For more than a decade, the hanging garden, a green lung in the heart of the city, has reduced pollution and favored biodiversity, as well as developed measures for sustainability and energy saving.

Estas son las medidas puestas en marcha en pro del medio ambiente:

Hotel Santo Domingo Madrid @HotelSDmadrid
dissabte, April 22, 2023 - 00:00

Terrace 7th Floor Hotel Santo Domingo
San Bernardo,1
28013 Madrid

Terrace: open every day from 1.00 p.m.
Lunch: 1 pm to 4 pm
Dinner: 8 pm to 11 pm (Sun>Thurs)
Dinner: 8 pm to 12 pm (Fri and Sat)
Hours and people per table subject to change according to health regulations.
New gastronomic space where you can enjoy lunch or dinner under the sky of Madrid.